About Us

I’m a husband and dad, but I also go by Ray. We live in Portland, in a cool little house (not a tiny house) just minutes from downtown. We are a couple professionals who like to work and play and are blessed to be parents to both Weeze and Ads.
I grew up in Connecticut and vacationed in Maine for a week every summer. I was lucky to venture into the Maine woods a few times, but full disclosure, most of our trips were to Old Orchard Beach. My extended family are campground people, so almost all of my childhood summer days were filled with cousins, bikes, fishing, fires, swimming and all the other joys of camping, but with the convenience of an RV.
I wasn’t exposed to the true wilderness until my 20s. Canoeing down the Allagash River for the first time changed me. The thought of carrying everything in and out, with no cell service, became addicting. Since then I’ve jumped in head first and I’ve been blessed to explore all the corners of this state and lots in between. I venture out alone a lot, but it’s extra special with the entire Ruby crew…life is better shared.
Maine Beer: Shipyard Export
Maine Trail: Cutler Preserve
Maine location: Allagash Wilderness Waterway
Maine Mountain: Bigelow
Quote: “If you can’t carry it on your back or in your heart, you probably don’t need it.”

I’m a proud mom and wife, a software testing professional, a lover of Maine and its beauty, and those close to me call me Din. I’m a true Mainer at heart. I grew up in a small Maine town, one of the four corners of the United States on the Canadian border, called Madawaska. I spent majority of my childhood outside. From a very young age my parents brought my brother and I hunting, fishing, camping, snowmobiling and skiing. There are photos of me learning how to potty in the middle of the woods. We spent many weekends at our beautiful camp in the Allagash or canoeing down the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. Every summer my family would travel eight hours to southern Maine and setup our bulky eight-man tent for a week long stay at Bailey’s Campground in Scarborough. This is where my love for southern Maine was born. I love living in Portland. We can be downtown sailing around the bay, eating a lobster roll and chowder, then back home sitting around a campfire watching deer in our backyard, all in the same afternoon. It’s the best of both worlds.
Being outdoors and in nature gives me a sense of belonging. It’s something I need in my life and it allows me to reset and slow down. I’d like for Eloise and Adeline to grow up having the same love for nature that her parents, grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles do. My hope is that they look back on their childhood with great memories of camping and hiking and being outdoors the way I do.
We are lucky to live in this beautiful state. What more could you want than the ocean, beaches, mountains, wildlife, rivers and lakes. It has a little bit of everything.
Maine Beer- Allagash White/Mast Landings
Maine Trail- Cutler Preserve
Maine location- Allagash Wilderness Waterway
Maine Mountain- Deboullie Mountain

My name is Eloise but my trail name is “Weez”. I was born in the winter of 2016, so depending on when you’re reading this, who knows how old I actually am.
I came out with a full head of hair and started rolling, crawling, sitting and standing way too early and I haven’t slowed down since. I’m always on the move until the very last second when I finally fall asleep. I have a serious case of FOMO (fear of missing out).
I’m excited to travel all over the place with my parents now, because I’m sure they will be too embarrassing in about 10 years. Well, maybe mom will still be cool. Give me a walking stick and I’m game for anything. Oh, and I love being a big sister!
Favorite Food: Anything in the fruit family
Hobby: Collecting rocks and sticks
Maine location: Pepere’s farm (Madawaska)
Animal: Calvin

My name is Adeline but my trail name is “Ades.” I came out with a lot of hair as well, and smiles and neither have gone away. Life appears to be darn good at the moment. I’m pretty loud, so I’m guessing I have my dad to blame for that.
Seeing that I am the second act in parenting for the Ruby family co-captains and my sister seems to be constantly in motion, I hit the ground running with this crew. My first camping trip was at 2 month old, I’m seasoned by now.
Happy to join the team and the mission!
Favorite Food: Turkey Pepperonis and Hummus
Hobby: Snuggling baby dolls
Maine location: Arms length from my big sister
Animal: Calvin